Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pea is Alive!

Maddie's favorite CD (or DBD as she calls it) is North Point Live: Awake. She would listen to this CD 24/7. And I'm not exaggerating. Of course, as a parent my heart swells up when Maddie is belting out worship songs. It helps me feel like I'm doing my "job" as a parent and influencing her to grow in her love for and knowledge of Christ.

Her favorite song is God is Alive. She loves to the sing the following line:

He is alive, He is alive. And we are free!

However, she has done a slight modification to the words:

Pea is alive, Pea is alive. And we are afraid.

Yeah, I'm rocking it out as a parent!

1 comment:

Julie Tiemann said...


Thanks for that laugh, Misti. Clearly I really, really needed it. :)