Yes, I now have two children. However, I feel like I haven't had to be a parent to two children...yet. My mother-in-law was here when we first got home from the hospital. She took care of Luke while I took care of Maddie. The next week Dan started taking Luke to and from school on his way to work. So, it has mainly been me and ourselves. I'm very grateful for this time with Maddie because I know this is a luxury most moms don't have with their second child.
With all of that said, I almost panic when I think about taking care of both Luke and Maddie on my own. I'm trying to get Maddie on a routine with good sleeping habits (I'm SO looking forward to sleeping at night). How would I devote that time to her when Luke is running amuck in the house? Going to the grocery store or Target seems like a crazy talk. By the time Maddie is done eating, it is time for Luke's snack. By the time he is done with his snack, it is time for her nap. Once she is up from her nap, it is time for Luke to nap. Ugh!!
I'm shocked by this turn of events. I'm a high energy, organized and on-the-go type of gal. I don't let this type of stuff stop me. I create the plan and execute the plan. What has happened to me? Someone needs to slap me!! I can do this.
So, Dan had errands to do this morning and it was just the three of us. I-think-I-can, I-think-I-can. Amazingly, we all survived. I am now realizing why moms have such a hard time getting their second child on a routine/schedule. Maddie spent the second half of her nap in her swing and slept longer then normal. It just had to be that way.
Once again, my ideal world is in direct conflicted with reality. Does anyone sense a theme? I will not be able to serve both my children perfectly. I will have to settle for serving them well...which means everyone will be making compromises. This seems to be a lesson I get to learn and relearn. The good news is I'm getting quicker at learning it each time...I'm making forward progress :)